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Not a chance, this is a parody, a joke a farce.

One of the biggest lies a farmer tells is

“Honestly, I was just trying to help that sheep over the fence!”

Now, if we made you smile with this Parody website and you want to thank us go to the donate page and send us a token of your appreciation. After all we work hard to make you smile!

Be sure to slide in to your neighbors cubicle and bring this site up on their desktop or set it as their home page.

If someone did that to you don’t blame us for their childish behavior, lol

Have fun!


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< — Check out those ads over there, sweet eh? Probably a better deal than this dating site, lol.

Have a great idea for this website? We already know its hilarious, and twisted - but can you add some childish sheep humor? Maybe a new pun? We would love to hear it! Hey maybe you want to own it! If you just want to bitch or complain that’s fine too! Send us an email! We will be happy to delete it.

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